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Gravity is a force that pulls two objects toward each other. The force is also called gravitation. The bigger an object is, the stronger its gravity. Small objects, and even cars and buildings, have so little gravity that you can’t feel their pull. Huge objects like Earth,
Earth is so much bigger than you that its gravity makes you “stick” to the ground. Earth is bigger than the Moon. Earth’s gravity pulls on the Moon. That is why the Moon orbits Earth. The Sun is bigger than Earth. Its gravity makes Earth go around the Sun. Earth’s gravity pulls toward the center of Earth, gravity holds the oceans and the atmosphere on Earth..


Gravity has always been around. In ancient times, people tried to discover why things fall toward Earth. An English scientist named Sir Isaac Newton came up with a great idea about gravity in 1687. He thought about how an apple and He came up with the idea that gravity does more than hold people on Earth.
Newton thought of gravity as a kind of mysterious force pulling objects together. He said that gravity holds the Moon in orbit around Earth. It holds the planets in orbit around the Sun. Newton’s ideas on gravitation explained many things about how apples fall and how stars and planets move.